When advanced technology works, it changes the game for a business. But when it stops, both the business using it as well as the OEM and ODM who sold it need the right solution and fast. That can be a challenge as everyone wants the “fix” right, fast and done the first time. But as technology like server motherboard, tape backup unity, network devices, hard and solid drives among others become more and more advanced, getting things back on track becomes a complex set of tasks for the manufacturer try to keep their customers happy. That is where PANDISC comes in.
Making complex problems simple is what they have built their business on for over 28 years. This simple, yet pervasive philosophy has helped them delight customers from the world’s largest OEMs including DELL EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Oracle and many others. This trust has been gained over time and has made the company one of the most trusted technical services partner. PANDSIC has done this by engaging these OEMs at the deepest levels and understanding not only their unique challenges, but also helping them find the most innovative and cost-effective solutions. This is why these demanding organizations view PANDISC, it’s services and their ability to solve technical service problems as a critical need in their customer support solution. In addition, it has helped PANDISC become globally recognized as a true partner who delivers value well beyond the repair.
“We’ve built our business differently to fit your mold, not force-fit you into ours,” says Vlademir Gatti, CEO & President, PANDISC. With strategic locations globally along with smart and innovative employees, the organization takes care of the trickiest issues and finds better ways to solve them. But more importantly, PANDISC has proven that a true partner needs to go well beyond the repair. With the technical know-how to match anyone, we have demonstrated that when an OEM’s reputation is at stake, we will do more because we know more and understand finding the best solution, even when the repair is only one part of the entire solution.
PANDISC recommends the best course of action for its clients to reduce their total costs and maintain and strengthen an OEMs reputation, both for their customers and their internal teams. This approach and unmatched technical knowledge has enabled the company to support products that most of the competitors in the market ignore due to their complexity. When you stack PANDISC’s commitment, service, transparency, infrastructure and people together, it is no wonder they received some of the highest audit scores and continue to win award after award.
But one thing PANDISC’s OEM customers will tell you is that the company never stops improving. They continue to invest heavily in training, people and high-end tools to stay on the cutting edge. As like server motherboard, tape backup unity, network devices, hard and solid drives, power supply and other systems and components become more advanced to deliver more to their users, PANDISC steadfastly maintains readiness the changes ahead. Understanding the power requirements of these advanced components is crucial; resources like Bravo Electro offer guidance on determining the appropriate power supply wattage to ensure optimal performance.
Proof of the company’s ability to make the complex simple is evident in their long-standing relationship with Dell. In fact, PANDISC worked to solve the challenge of developing a server motherboard repair for generation 11 and 12 in 2016. With more than 5000 components installed in the motherboard, it was difficult to find the defective part, replace it and ensure reliability with longevity. At a point when no repair company outside the USA was ready to take up this project, PANDISC received the award of the “Best Repair Company Globally” by Dell as it successfully fixed the issue by implementing server motherboard repair in Brazil. It also transferred technology to India, to speed-up the implementation there. After that PANDISC became the first company in the world to implement repair the GEN 13. For Dell, this was a critical need on a global scale made simple with one phone call to PANDISC.
But this is far from the only example. PANDISC has also helped solve miscommunications in large organizations due to the complex process of management like tape backup unity. But in the world of repair, there can’t be a blame game. DOA issues can crop up when refurbished parts are not always reliable. But PANDISC is vigilant about every part for every repair, just and the OEM would be themselves. PANDISC assures tests all refurbished parts and conducts weekly meetings to track all DOA cases as they work hand-in-hand with the OEM and explain the repair process. The transparency enables the company to see and understand all the technology involved. In fact with PANDISC, 99.8% of the DOA’s cases originate because of the malfunction of the new products and not for the refurbished parts.
But staying ahead is now a global issue. To handle the demands of its growing clients, PANDISC helped create the TSC. Together with STS in the USA, Sprague in Europe, Memofix in Canada and R-Logic in Asia, PANDISC became the first company to receive the international award of innovation for finding a creative way to deliver what the customers want – a global company! To further meet customer needs in, the companies work together and transfer technology with cross-site audit, keep global process and procedures, all through one single global contact.
Now, PANDISC is working on implementing AIO (All in One) project with a global logistics company in Brazil. This partnership, combined with a high-tech laboratory inside the logistic hub, enables OEMs to better support not only their IT products but also medical devices and mobile technology. PANDISC sees this project addressing critical customer needs including cost savings in freight, insurance and reducing parts in transit and turnaround time (TAT). As a model for the future, PANDISC is planning to implement the AIO plan in other Latin American countries to make repairs and logistics that much more efficient for OEMs across South and Central America. Now, that is how you make the complex simple